A few s.t.E.m. (science, technology, ENGINEERING, math) resources with an emphasis on ENGINEERING and aspiring #SanDiegoEngineers

sTEm Grants

DiscoverE Grants - Nov 5, 2022 - To support your outreach initiatives, DiscoverE.org has two grants for funding up to $1k. (1) EWEEK GRANTS - For underserved student programs taking place Feb - April, 2022 offered in connection with Engineers Week (Eweek). BELL Girl Day GRANTS - For age 5 to 18 girl-centered programs taking place Jan - April, 2022. 

American Rocketry Grant - Dec 1, 2021 - The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and National Association of Rocketry (NAR) are awarding grants of $2k to Title I schools to participate in a rocketry competition. Funding is intended to assist grade 6-12 schools in initiate a program to build, design, and launch model rockets. conest website

Prior sTEm Events

Feb 18-24, 2024 - Engineers Week   ****

Feb 25 Deadline K12 STEAM Art Contest ****

Looking for a few friends to explore the world of engineering with? Form an engineering club as an after school activity and enter an engineering challenge. Any San Diego student (or San Diego Club) that wins a regional / national / global engineering / technology contest will be recognized during the San Diego Engineers Awards Celebration. Tell us of your accomplishments here!