EWEEK 2024 On-Demand Speakers
Looking for local STEM speakers? Curious about life in the day of an engineer? Our on-demand speakers are a cross-section of San Diego Engineers in various professions at different stages in their careers. The videos are available for you to view today.
GET YOUR TICKETS many speakers will be at the Feb 19, 2024 San Diego Engineers Week Awards Banquet. Go ahead, invite them to speak at your next event!
GET YOUR BOOK - Below are a few San Diego Engineering Book Authors. Visit our book author's page for more. Stop by the "Author's Table" and ask for your own autographed book!
MORE SPEAKERS - Make sure to check out our 2021 - 2023 On-Demand Speakers too! Go ahead, inspire the world. Ask them to speak at your next event.
Technology & Innovation
Concepts in Nano Engineering
Explore the concepts of Nanoengineering in this first Nano blogpost by Professor Lipomi. He provides a definition and overview of the field of nanoengineering, its two major branches, and how it is at the center of the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) and engineering (mechanical, chemical, materials, biological, and electrical). Speaker: Darren Lipomi, Ph.D., is a professor of NanoEngineering at UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering. Check out his other podcasts and youtube channels on his outreach page.
Buildings of the Future: Net Zero Energy
This TEDx Talk CSU San Marcos presentation addresses why building need to be self-sufficient. You will learn the current energy producing means with sustainable and environmentally friendly methods to ensure sufficient energy to power the world today and for years to come. Speaker: David Shadpour, accredited ASHRAE Building Energy Modeling Professional, at Shadpour Consulting Engineers Inc.
Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) Course
This course is designed to introduce you to several dimensions of Responsible AI with a focus on fairness criteria and bias mitigation. You will learn the basics Machine Learning, Model Formulation & Data Collection, Exploratory Data Analysis. For additional AI courses, visit the "Machine Learning University" channel. Speaker is Mia Carina Mayer., data scientist, Amazon Web Services (AWS).
What is Product Safety?
When a manufacturing has a product, they want to sell to market they need to have it evaluated by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory and Product Safety Engineers need to ensure it safe for consumers to use. Speaker: Dr. Justina Sanchez, Quality Engineer at TUV SUD.
Professional Development
Artificial Intelligence, NSBE, Product Management & Entrepreneurship
A conversation with electrical engineer Devin Devlin, a product manager at Microsoft. In this Nov 08, 2023 vlog hosted by Honorebel S. Walker, founder of SpaceTime Podcast, Devlin tells the story of his journey into engineering, NSBE and what he is working on. For more podcasts just like this one, visit youtube spacetime podcast.
From Engineer to Attorney
Jessica Hudak is a mechanical engineer turned bioengineer turned patent attorney. In this Oct 18, 2023 vlog hosted by Neil Thompson, founder of Teach the Geek, Hudak tells the story of her journey into engineering and the legal profession. For more e-learning podcasts from STEM professionals just like this one, visit podcast.teachthegeek.com
The Civil Engineer
In this episode of SUCCESS INNOVATON, we meet Melissa Guevara and her path to engineering and the field of civil engineering. Speaker: Lazaro Herrera is the founder of Success Innovation and was the 2020 SDCEC Service Award Winner. Lazaro has many more interviews of local #SanDiegoEngineers who are making a difference in this world on his channel.
Careers in Engineering Panel
Four engineers address their specialization, career paths, and advice they have for prospective engineering students including joining your engineering society. Panelists: (1) Solar Turbines Combustion Engineer, Robyn Thomas, (2) Northrop Grumman Supplier Quality Engineer, Mary Graves, (3) Qualcomm Electrical Engineer and SHPE board member, Janet Tisnado, and (4) San Diego County Engineering Council nonprofit president, Debra Kimberling. The host is Danica Moore, Professor of Chemistry. For more career path videos just like this one, visit SD Mesa Work Based Learning.
How Nonprofits are Shaping the Future of Science and Technology
In this episode of the Engineering Management Institute (EMI), Dr. Kari L. Jordan Pn.D., Executive Director of The Carpentries, discusses her journey from engineering, being a part of an engineering society, the importance of serving on a nonprofit board, to leading a nonprofit. Interview is by Tiffani Teachey. For more podcasts and vlogs just like this one, visit https://engineeringmanagementinstitute.org/content/
The Social Impact of Privacy Engineering
In this episode 14 of REDEFINING PINK, we meet Veronica Tang and explore her path to how she became a privacy engineer, working at Google, hosting a math club style training for middle school girls to becoming the founder of All Girls STEM Society. Interview is by Angelina Kim and Sophia Guan. For additional interviews by powerful women in STEM, make sure to visit and follow the Redefining Pink podcasts.
Neurodiversity in the Workplace
In this episode 232 of the SWE Podcast Diverse, Holly Maudsley, a Product Development Manager at 3M, shares her personal experiences with ADHD and provides insight on how to better support neurodiverse folks in the workforce. You will learn about the different types of neurodiversity, the accommodations needed to make everyone successful, strategies for self-advocacy, and real-world examples of how to foster inclusion for those with ADHD, autism, dyspraxia, dyslexia, and other cognitive differences.
Un Cafecito with Dr. Justina Sanchez
In this episode 227 of the SWE Podcast Diverse, Lennis Perez, the Hispanic Heritage Month Lead within the Society of Women Engineer's (SWE) Latinos Affinity Group, speaks with Dr. Justina Sanchez, Quality Engineer at TUV SUD. Dr. Sanchez shares about how she started her STEM journey as an administrative assistant, what a typical day looks like for a product safety engineer, and her new book that celebrates women in engineering.
50 Stories for 50 Years - Drinking the SHPE Kool Aid
In this episode SHPE Out Loud, Emily Anne Vargas, a Material Science Engineering Ph.D. candidate and former Vice-Chair of the SHPE national board of directors, shares her SHPE experiences including learning how nonprofits work, a visit to the White House, meeting trailblazers and its importance in supporting her STEM journey. Interview is hosted by Alex Wait, the SHPE Out Loud Producer. For more podcasts just like this one, visit https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shpe
Engineering Legends for the Society of Women Engineers
Discover the early origins story of how one of the founding chartering members of SWE San Diego, Alice May Anderson, sparked a movement to put "SWE Legends" into Wikipedia. To discover more SWE Legends and early pioneers, visit the San Diego Engineers Legends page. Host is the SWE Late Career and Retiree Affinity Group leader Vicki Johnson interview of SWE Fellow, Debra Kimbering. For more information about the first SWE Legends profiles put in Wikipedia, visit the virtual WE23 Conference session "They Lived Without Limits: Bringing SWE Legends into Focus".
Free to Choose STEM: Data and Reflections on Girls and STEM Careers
This e-book addresses the social science STEM research on gender. It is for young women, parents of girls going into STEM as well as those not thinking about STEM fields. Author Pamela Cosman offers up some of her own experiences as a female engineer and the research. Author Pamela Cosman is passionate about more girls choosing STEM for their career path—especially engineering.
STEM Books
Get your signed copies of their books at the Engineers Week STEM Book Author's table. Visit our STEM/Books page for more books by local San Diego Engineers!
Extraordinary Engineers
An in-depth look into the lives of Female Engineers. Read about their journeys into engineering and the courage to walk out their dreams. Author: Dr. Justina Sanchez, a Quality Engineer.
Great Harvest: An Engineering Story
For ages 4-8 introducing engineering. Review. Author: Nathan Russert, SDSU alum, Electrical Computer Engineer.
Ask Uncle Neil: Why is My Hair Curly
A children's STEM book about innovation and the science of curly hair. Review. Author: Neil Thompson, founder of Teach The Geek and a Biomedical Engineer.
ASM Materials Camp for Middle to High School STEM Teachers
This week-long, hands-on lab experience shows educators how to use applied engineering techniques in their classroom. ASM Materials Camp®-Teachers is an idea-generating workshop introducing teachers to methods that make math and core science principles more enticing and relevant to their middle and high school students. Materials topics are great motivators in any engineering, technology or science course as students learn concepts that are reflected in their everyday lives. Virtual Camps available. Course is Free. For more info, schedule and to apply: https://www.asmfoundation.org/teachers/materials-camps/year-one/
Robotics Inspired Computer Coding for Afghan Girls
Competitive robotics teaches students to CAD and Code. FIRST Team Mechanical Advantage students are now addressing some of the world's toughest challenges. Providing access to technology and the knowledge needed to use it. These high school students are helping Afghan girls learn computer coding as part of a program to counter Taliban prohibitions against girls going to school. Speaker: Team Mechanical Advantage. Video published: Dec 19, 2023 by the Voice of America.