2024 Artists

Congratulations to the 2024 Art Contest Winners and Honorable Mentions showcased below.  The artists were asked to either showcase a creative invention or to draw an Engineer or STEAM Role Model along the 2024 engineers week theme "Welcome to the Future". The winners were selected by grade level.  Thank you to all of our judges!  

The Eyes of the Future

FIRST PLACE Grade 4 "The Eyes of the Future" is "inspired by the Legend Dr. Aprille Ericsson in her lab. She is a mechanical and aerospace engineer that has impacted positively the future's accessibility to outer space". Artist: Sofia (Grade 4, Maie Ellis Elementary)

The 101 Filter

FIRST PLACE Grade 5 "The 101 Filter" is a 3-gallon collector to attract water and trash. It has a thin sensor layer to prevent it from consuming wildlife. The crusher disposes trash into the brown pole at the bottom that is cleaned monthly. The heater gets rid of any leftover sewage or bacteria but once it comes out of the spout it is cold. Artist: Myla (Grade 5, Bayside STEAM Academy)

Forever Math Madness

FIRST PLACE Grade 3 "Forever Math Madness" self-portrait of "the future me painting math art in the beautiful madness that is math". Artist: Wayne (Grade 3, Grant)

My Future Self

FIRST PLACE Grade 8 "My Future Self" is a handheld Time Machine that lets scientists see historical places and find out what everything looks like. Here is a picture of me looking back at dinosaurs. Artist: Aliana (Grade 8, Rancho del Rey Middle School)

Space Shuttle Presentation

Honorable Mention: "Space Shuttle Presentation" is a picture of me in the future. I always thought going to space was an incredible feat in engineering. It is truly remarkable that we as a species have become so advanced that something once thought to be impossible like space travel has been accomplished. Artist: Khole (Coronado Middle School)

Robo 3000

Honorable Mention: "Robo 3000" is a robot to help people cross the road. He has a back compartment that holds a first aid kit, a fire extinguishers, a stop sign, and a phone to call 911." Artist: Maddison (Grade 5, Bayside)